Online College Courses Abbreviation: Demystifying The Jargon

List of Abbreviations 11 Academia Science
List of Abbreviations 11 Academia Science from

In today's fast-paced world, more and more people are turning to online college courses as a convenient and flexible way to further their education. However, navigating the world of online learning can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the various abbreviations and acronyms used in course descriptions and program requirements. In this blog post, we will demystify the jargon and provide a comprehensive guide to the most commonly used online college course abbreviations.

1. General Education Requirements (GER)

One of the first things you'll encounter when exploring online college courses is the concept of General Education Requirements (GER). These are courses that all students, regardless of their major, must take in order to gain a well-rounded education. Common GER abbreviations include ENG for English, MATH for Mathematics, and SCI for Science.


When choosing your online college courses, make sure to fulfill your GER by taking courses such as ENG 101, MATH 110, and SCI 201.

2. Major Requirements (MAJ)

Once you've completed your GER, you'll need to focus on your major requirements. These are the courses specific to your chosen field of study. Abbreviations for major requirements can vary depending on the discipline. For example, in a Business Administration program, you may see abbreviations such as ACC for Accounting, MKT for Marketing, and FIN for Finance.


To earn your Business Administration degree, you will need to complete major requirements such as ACC 201, MKT 301, and FIN 401.

3. Elective Courses (ELE)

In addition to your GER and major requirements, you will likely have the opportunity to choose elective courses. These are courses that you can select based on your interests or to complement your major. Elective course abbreviations can be diverse and depend on the offerings of your chosen institution. Some examples include ART for Art, PSY for Psychology, and HIS for History.


Take advantage of elective courses to explore subjects outside of your major, such as ART 101, PSY 201, or HIS 301.

4. Prerequisites (PRE)

Prerequisites are courses that must be completed before you can enroll in more advanced courses. These are typically indicated by the abbreviation PRE followed by a course number. Prerequisites ensure that students have the necessary foundational knowledge to succeed in higher-level coursework.


If you're interested in taking a biology course, make sure you meet the prerequisites by completing PRE 101 before enrolling in BIO 201.

5. Credit Hours (CR)

Credit hours represent the amount of time and effort required to complete a course. Each course is assigned a certain number of credit hours, which can vary depending on the intensity and depth of the material covered. The abbreviation CR is used to denote credit hours in course descriptions.


Before enrolling in a course, check the number of credit hours assigned to determine the workload. A course with 3 CR will typically require more time and effort than a course with 1 CR.

6. Online Learning Management System (LMS)

When taking online college courses, you will interact with an Online Learning Management System (LMS). This is a platform that allows you to access course materials, submit assignments, participate in discussions, and communicate with instructors and fellow students. Familiarize yourself with the LMS used by your institution to ensure a smooth online learning experience.


Log in to your institution's LMS, such as Canvas or Blackboard, to access your online college courses and stay organized throughout the semester.

7. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning

Online college courses can be delivered in either synchronous or asynchronous formats. Synchronous learning refers to courses where students and instructors interact in real-time, often through video conferencing or live chat. Asynchronous learning, on the other hand, allows students to access course materials and complete assignments at their own pace, without real-time interaction. It's important to understand the format of your online courses to plan your schedule accordingly.


If you prefer a flexible schedule, opt for asynchronous online college courses that allow you to study and complete assignments at your own pace.

In conclusion, understanding the abbreviations used in online college courses is essential for successful navigation of the online learning landscape. By familiarizing yourself with common abbreviations for General Education Requirements, Major Requirements, Elective Courses, Prerequisites, Credit Hours, Online Learning Management Systems, and Learning Formats, you'll be better equipped to choose the right courses and make the most of your online education.


Here's a summary of the abbreviations discussed in this article:

GERGeneral Education Requirements
MAJMajor Requirements
ELEElective Courses
CRCredit Hours
LMSOnline Learning Management System
