Cheating In Online College Courses: A Growing Concern In 2023

Students Cheating in Online Classes Statistics [Infographic
Students Cheating in Online Classes Statistics [Infographic from

Online education has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing students to pursue their degrees from the comfort of their own homes. However, with the rise of online learning, there has also been a rise in cheating in online college courses. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which students cheat in online courses and the implications it has on the education system.

The Impersonation Phenomenon

One of the most common methods of cheating in online college courses is through impersonation. In this method, a student hires someone else to take the course on their behalf. This could be a friend, a family member, or even a professional impersonator. The person taking the course will complete all the assignments, exams, and quizzes, while the student simply sits back and reaps the benefits of their hard work.

This method of cheating not only undermines the integrity of the education system but also devalues the degree earned by the person who actually completed the course. It creates an unfair advantage for those who can afford to hire someone to do the work for them, while disadvantaging those who put in the time and effort to learn the material themselves.

The Rise of Online Cheating Services

Another concerning trend in cheating is the rise of online cheating services. These services, often advertised as "homework help" or "tutoring," provide students with answers to their assignments and exams for a fee. All the student has to do is provide the questions or prompts, and the cheating service will provide them with the answers.

These services have become increasingly sophisticated, using advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to generate unique answers for each student. This makes it difficult for instructors to detect cheating, as the answers provided by the service are not plagiarized or copied from existing sources.

The availability of these cheating services has made it easier than ever for students to cheat in online college courses. They no longer have to spend hours studying or completing assignments; they can simply pay someone else to do the work for them. This not only undermines the value of their education but also creates an unfair advantage for those who can afford to use these services.

The Use of External Resources

Another common method of cheating in online college courses is the use of external resources. Students often use search engines, online forums, and social media platforms to find answers to their assignments and exams. They may also collaborate with other students in online study groups to share answers and solutions.

While the use of external resources may not seem like cheating to some, it is still a form of academic dishonesty. It goes against the principles of independent learning and critical thinking that are essential for a quality education. When students rely on external resources instead of putting in the effort to learn the material themselves, they are cheating themselves out of a valuable learning experience.

The Impact on the Education System

The prevalence of cheating in online college courses has far-reaching implications for the education system. It undermines the integrity of the degrees earned by students who have worked hard to complete their coursework honestly. It also devalues the reputation of online education as a whole, as employers and graduate schools may question the authenticity of online degrees.

Furthermore, cheating in online college courses creates an unfair playing field for all students. Those who cheat gain an unfair advantage over their peers, which can have long-term consequences for their future success. It also puts pressure on instructors and institutions to find ways to detect and prevent cheating, taking time and resources away from other important aspects of education.


As online education continues to grow in popularity, so does the issue of cheating in online college courses. Whether it is through impersonation, the use of cheating services, or the reliance on external resources, cheating undermines the integrity of the education system and devalues the degrees earned by hardworking students.

It is important for institutions, instructors, and students to work together to combat cheating and promote academic integrity in online education. By implementing stricter security measures, educating students about the consequences of cheating, and fostering a culture of honesty and integrity, we can ensure that online college courses maintain their credibility and provide a valuable learning experience for all students.

TopicMethods of Cheating
ImpersonationHiring someone else to take the course on their behalf
Online Cheating ServicesUsing online services to provide answers to assignments and exams
Use of External ResourcesReliance on search engines, online forums, and social media platforms for answers
Impact on the Education SystemUndermining the integrity of degrees and creating an unfair playing field
